Performance is more than simply evaluating productivity.
In the pursuit of operational excellence, great companies understand the factors influencing their performance.
Work from the inside-out. Build your data from the point of origin.
Enable your leaders to remain “in the action” and ensure reporting is done in real time.
Empower all team members.
Ensure workers are trained & wearing the correct PPE.
Reporting, per process
- Record shift start & end times
- Record employee attendance & working hours
- Validate licences
- Ensure PPE conformance
- Record performance output
- Track custom KPI’s
“Record as you go. Consolidate reports of all processes.”
SOP compliance & training
- View SOP’s for specific processes
- Verify if active workers are trained
- Train workers on the shopfloor
- Record date & time of training
“Know which workers are trained. Quick training, on the spot.”
Incident reporting
- Record incidents per category & process
- Record severity
- Upload photos
- Email reporting & customised escalation
- Record downtime per process
“Report incidents on the spot. Link downtime to incidents.”
Track & measure exact efficiency of each process.
Monitor, report and analyse
- Select process & time frame
- Process health check sheet
- Efficiency & output trends
- Incident statistics
- Downtime trends
- PPE conformance level
- Training conformance level
- Experience level of workers
- Data tables for efficiency, readiness & incidents
- Worker analysis
“Ideal for root cause analysis. Quick health checks at a glance.”
Process design & SOP builder
- Build & maintain processes
- Set review cycles
- Set baseline capacity
- Customise PPE per job type
- Customise shift patterns
- Build process specific SOP’s